A veteran’s appeal against constant whining

Received this message from a sensible, mature and proud veteran. He is in a minority at the moment but the silent majority must back him and reclaim the voice of sanity is what I feel. Read on. And Act. Now.

It’s not even funny to observe that most of who are creative at whining are those who just were mute when then  RM made a written statement in parliament that OROP was not feasible or desirable.

  • Mute when a Chief gave in writing that NFU & MACP not needed by services as it would kill merit.
  • Mute when Then  PM MMS in reply to Then ldr of opposition in lok sabha Mr Advani said OROP implemented issue closed.
  • Mute when then RRM closed investigations into bursting T-72 Guns
  • Mute when Substandard safety plates in mines caused deaths / maiming in mine lifting ops

One person comes along who says yes I will give and we pillory him.

Not appreciating what we got despite institutional bias.

What is in works despite lobbies & vested interests working against it …

Think …


Instead of supporting efforts to strengthen hands that are giving we seek to deride those who fight for us
The Service pay cells
The AG & DG pers of Navy & AF
The Army CDRs & C-in-Cs of services
The Three service chiefs
The services favouring bureaucracy
The RM
The PM
We heckle Justice Reddy who is in favour of ESM
Other than our selves we have pilloried all ..
Sad state of affairs
We need to ask ourselves what have we done for common cause positivity ..
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Most of you here are senior in age & service ..
Respectfully .. create & take forward positive .. even positive constructive criticism
Else we will loose all respect
Ponder think contemplate

Another young officer, reading the above post just now messaged me this: That’s what is required Dada. Get the Army back into Army. Where has the glory gone. My character…soul…life, everything is forged in steel once I say, I am in the army. What’s this nonsense going on.