Half a day on INS Vikramaditya

Inside ALH Dhruv on the way to Vikramaditya

On Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made his first trip outside Delhi and spent four hours on India’s biggest ship, the aircraft carrier, INS Vikramaditya. I was lucky to be part of the press entourage that was onboard. Here’s a small glimpse of what we saw and experienced. Also a link to a film made by the crew of INS Vikramaditya is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9WxdLyL-_A&feature=youtu.be


Goa from the sky


Another view


A lone ship in the distance


Vikramaditya’s serial Number


Arriving on the ship



The flight deck


The ALH on the flight deck


Flight deck crew getting ready to receive an aircraft


Two helicopters on the Vikramaditya



Western Fleet Chief RAdm Anil Chawla with Skipper Capt Suraj Berry


Magnificent MiG-29 K


Another view


CNN-IBN’s Anubha Bhosale interviewing a pilot


Capt Suraj Berry





Capt DK Sharma, PRO Navy and Lt Cdr Pawanjeet, the weather man






The old with the new: INS Viraat passing by Vikramaditya



The all-important ski jump




PM Modi climbing into Mig-29 K cockpit
















The weather turning bad



Headline Today’s Rahul Kanwal was among the reporters onboard


The PM watching the air power display



The steam past begins





  1. July 1, 2014 -

    India's INS vikramaditya is really a powerful gem for Indian Navy, was really felt happy when it was included into the navy in Jan'14, Indians must be proud of INS Vikramaditya. I read here that it is equipped with 234 new hull sections constructed using 2,500t of steel. It has an overall length of 284m, a maximum beam of 60m, height of about 60m and a displacement of 44,500t. Go Indian Navy Go … I hope Indian Navy will get more these kind of Aircraft carriers in coming Future ….